When a family decides to have a pet, the choice of a pet should be made in a conscientious way and taking into account different aspects.
From the age of 4-5, many children begin to want to have a pet, a pet to play with and take care of. However, at this age they are still not aware of what it means to have an animal at home, the care it requires, the years that the animal will live and the limitations with this entails.
Therefore, the last decision must be made by the parents, since they will be responsible for the animal. The child can help in the care, but will not be able to take care of everything.
“An animal should never be acquired on a simple whim of the child, if you know that it will not receive the necessary care.
It is also necessary to take into account the moment vacations. Every year thousands of animals are abandoned when these dates are approaching. When you buy a pet, you have to take into account that you will spend some years with us and well, you look for a place to go on holiday where animals are admitted or you stay with a relative or day care for pets.
- Se ha demostrado que los niños que conviven con animales tienen un riesgo menor de sufrir alergias.
- Se familiarizan con las funciones naturales de los seres vivos y tienen un amigo fiel con el que jugar y al que cuidar.
- Aprenden a respetar a los animales.
- Estimula los sentidos del niño, mejora su estado de ánimo, desarrolla la empatía, fomenta la autoestima y la integración social. Por lo general, los niños que tienen mascotas son más sociables y relacionarse con otro ser vivo les ayuda a desarrollar su capacidad de intuición.
- Asignar tareas relacionadas con el cuidado del animal, le ayudará a entender el sentido de responsabilidad.
- Hay terapias asistidas con animales y además, ayuda a liberar el estrés. El simple hecho de acariciar a un animal hace que el cuerpo libere endorfinas reduciendo el estrés y la ansiedad.
- Aumenta la actividad física del niño y por tanto, fomenta su salud. Sobre todo en el caso de los perros, cuando se sacan a pasear o juegan con ellos.
But you also have to keep in mind that having a pet is an economic expense and must be assessed before making the decision to have it (food, cleaning, veterinary, etc.).
What are the best pets for kids?
The choice of pet will depend on what the family wants. You have to take into account aspects such as space, time available to take care of the animal, budget, age of the children or the character of the animal.
Some of the best pets for children include: dogs, cats, rodents such as hamsters or guinea pigs, rabbits and fish.
The pet dog is a classic. Most children, if they had a choice, would not hesitate and decide for these furry friends.
The children can be in charge of taking them out for a walk, brushing them, playing with them, putting food on them, etc.
Dogs are sociable animals and seek human companionship. In addition, they are easy to train and can learn tricks, which is a lot of fun for the little ones in the house.
If you opt for a dog, it is preferable that it is a big dog. Very small dogs are very fragile and the child may harm them when trying to catch or play with them. In addition, these small breeds often run away from children, because they are afraid of being harmed.

On the other hand, these animals are the ones that require more care, such as:
- They need to leave the house several times a day.
- They have a higher economic cost than other animals.
- They can’t spend much time alone, like when we go on holiday.
- It is necessary to brush and bathe them regularly, especially those with long hair.
Cats do not require as much care as dogs and therefore, many families prefer to choose these animals. However, some do not consider cats to be the most recommended pets for children.
Cats can be affectionate and seek the company of their owners. But generally, they are more independent animals.
They should be treated gently and with respect. When these animals do not want to play do not insist and do not tolerate harsh treatment. However, if the child is soft and delicate and is able to understand the character of the cats, they can become a good pet.
The rabbit as a pet has become fashionable in recent years and many families have opted for this pet.
This animal can live in a cage and does not need much space. However, it is advisable to take it out daily to play and run around the house or garden. They can be caressed and held in arms and can be very affectionate.
Fish may be the easiest to care for and maintain. Therefore, they can also be a good option if you want to gradually introduce the animals into the family.
There are thousands of different fish, with a variety of colours and shapes. But for small children the most common is the beta fish, which can live alone and is very eye-catching.
Hmaster or guinea pig
Hamsters and guinea pigs are small animals and live in cages. They do not require much care and may be a good choice as a child’s first pet. In this way, you will learn to be responsible by feeding and cleaning daily.
They are intelligent, curious and playful animals. In addition, they are easy to handle and are perfect for small flats or apartments.
These animals reproduce easily, so it is recommended that you buy only one, or that they are of the same sex.
At what age can I have a pet for a child?
When buying or adopting an animal it is important to take into account the age of the child.
Before the age of 3 children are unable to be responsible for the care of an animal. But you can start teaching them.
From the age of 4, the child can already take care of some tasks, such as putting food or cleaning the cage or area of the animal. At this age, hamsters and fish can be a good option, as they require little care.
And if the child wants a dog, it is best to wait until he is 6 years old. At this age they can take on more tasks related to the care of the dog. As mentioned above, these animals are more demanding and need more care.